About Lebanon


If you are interested in learning more about Lebanon (Beirut) and its history, the following books are worth reading:

• Pity the Nation, Robert Fisk
• Beware of Small States, David Hirst
• The Hills of Adonis: A Journey in Lebanon (1990), Colin Thubron
• Beirut, Samir Kassir
• Beyroutes - A Guide to Beirut (available at Papercup Store)




While in Lebanon, the best way to keep up to date on the latest news is by the Daily StarL’Orient Le Jour and Now News. The first is also available in paper. 

For up to date information about activities, culture, shopping, hotels and restaurants, see Agenda Culturel and Lebtivity. Specific information one Beirut can be found on Beirut.com; they also have a mobile application available.


Check the map below for an overview of all Cultural locations across Lebanon.