Sights & Activities

The site in Yanouh, located next to the road about seven kilometers past Qartaba, has a small Roman temple and a large rectangular one called Mar Jurios Azraq (St George the Blue). The latter was named after the blue limestone blocks it was built with, and was converted into a church during Byzantine times. Next to the temple stands a late 5th century Byzantine basilica, while other side you can still see the remains of a Medieval chapel. From the Afqa Grotto to Yanouh, go back to the main road and continue straight at the T-intersection. Turn left at the next intersection toward Yanouh (almost a u-turn; to the right is Aqoura (Al Akoura) and Ehmej) and follow the main road leading down until a small bridge leads you over the river. To reach the temple, continue straight until it appears on your right after about 800 meters.


Check the map below for an overview of all Cultural locations across Lebanon.